Portland Association of
General Baptists

For Reservations:
Camp Coordinator
Patricia Creasy
Trustee Board Members
Nathan Civils 615-405-9888
Bobby McMurtry 615-739-2106
Tracy Hinton 615-633-1325
Junior Pitt 615-788-9814
Randy Givens 615-545-5939
Patricia Creasy 615-308-6688
Campground is Still Closed for the Winter!
Association Churches can now make reservations until January 31, 2025
Non Association Churches can begin reserving February 1, 2025
Check out the pics below of our New Improvements!
Rates and General Information
Portland Association Churches
Overnight Stay.......$250.00*
Day Only usage......$200.00*
(Any Association church that it will create
a hardship to pay this fee, it may be waived
by the Trustee Board)
Non Association Churches
Reservations can be made after February 1, 2025
Any Non-Association Church must have an Association member to represent them and be a responsible party in order to reserve.
Overnight Stay...........$350.00*
Day only usage..........$250.00*
*Due to rising insurance and maintenance costs...this rate reflects a small increase from last year. Thanks for your continued support!
Note: It is also required by each church using the grounds, to provide a Certificate of Insurance showing the Portland Association as an additional insured, covering the time you are staying at the campgrounds. This is a rule required by our insurance company. Please contact the office for additional information.
General Clean-Up Information
The Campgrounds is Association owned. The upkeep and cleaning is provided by the individual churches who use it. We do not have a clean up crew that comes in and cleans up after each camp leaves. It is all our responsibilities to leave the grounds in better shape than it was when we came. If there are maintenance issues while you are there, of course, contact me. To help in knowing what is expected, as far as clean up goes, I have attached a clean up check list for your convenience. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thanks for using the campgrounds and for doing your part to help in maintaining this blessed piece of God's creation!
Campground Reservations for 2025
May 2-3 Centerpoint Church
June 1-4 Macedonia G.B. Church
June 6-7 Mt. Union/Camp Carver
June 12-13 Fountain Head Church
June 22-25 Centerpoint Church
June 26-28 Centerpoint Church
July 15-17 Union Chapel G.B. Church
July 18-19 Mt. Moriah G.B. Church
July 23-26 Hollis Chapel Church
September 27 Hollis Chapel Church
October 15-18 Generation Men's Retreat

Check out the New Improvements to Our Dining Hall